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Legislative Committee:
The Legislative Review Committee reviews current physiotherapy legislation including The Physiotherapy Act, Physiotherapy Regulations, Bylaws as well as policies and procedures to ensure consistency with these rules governing physiotherapy in Newfoundland and Labrador. The LRC upon direction of council may draft regulations or bylaws, review policies and procedures and make recommendations to council to ensure compliance with legislation.

Members: Deb Noseworthy (Chair); Sue Quinton, Jennifer Burt, Michael Kay

Policy Review Committee:
The Policy Review Committee develops and reviews current College policies and procedures to ensure consistency with current office policy and procedures, professional practice and legislation.

Members: Michael Kay (Chair); Judy Kay, Lori Manuel, Eric Lamme, Sue Kennedy, Mike Davis

CNA Advisory Committee Representative
The Physiotherapy Assistant Advisory committee is a standing committee of CNA which includes stakeholders with an interest in the Rehab Assistant program offered at CNA. Being part of this committee allows the College to participate in discussions on the programming for rehabilitation assistants and ensure compliance with any regulatory issues governing physiotherapists and the practice of physiotherapy.

Members: Caroline Sullivan

Registration Committee
The philosophy of the Registration Committee is to ensure fairness, equality and transparency in the review of candidates referred by the Registrar.

The committee’s objectives are:
1) To make recommendations to the Registrar regarding issues arising from registration of members
2) To research registration information/practices in other provinces, & maintain current knowledge of the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE)
3) To provide input on policy development regarding registration of members

Members: Michael Kay (Chair); Caitlyn Connolly, Kerri Smith, Heather Barry, Alyssa Thompson

Continuing Competency Committee
The CCC will incorporate fairness, equality, and consistency into the recognition and monitoring of continuing competence initiatives by all members of the NLCP. Measurement will be practical and feasible, for individual members practicing in a variety of practice settings, as well as for administrators of the program. The committee will ensure the program is compliant with the Physiotherapy Act, Regulations, and Standards of Practice for Physiotherapists of the NLCP and Physiotherapy Mutual Recognition Agreement.

Members: Michael Kay (chair), Tom Farrell, Tracy Penney, Nicole Peters, Lisa Durnford, Sonja Hoskins, Brooke Wiseman

Complaints Authorization Committee

Members: Bill Maher(Chair), Kerri Smith, Dianne Penney, Rebecca Cahill

Disciplinary Panel:
Registered Physiotherapist Members:
1. Raeleen Baggs – Chairperson
2. Marcell Billard
3. Lori Collins
4. Mike Mulrooney
5. Kathy Winsor
6. Heather Foley
7. Elizabeth Porter
8. Susan Quinton
9. Michelle Sheppard

Disciplinary Panel:
Appointed Public Members:
1. Doug Neary

CAPR [Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators] Representative: 

Michael Kay